On Friday, March 26, make plans to journey with Father Antony Samy and other St. Anthony’s Parishioners on a Lenten pilgrimage to pray the stations of the cross at six other area Fargo churches. Plan to meet at St. Anthony’s in the Church at 2:00 PM and expect to finish at St. Anthony’s around 5:00 PM, stopping at six area churches in between. So we can better plan, please sign up here, or at the table in St. Francis Gathering Place if you are interested in participating. Limited transportation will be available.
Calling all those who can sing, dance, tell jokes, play an instrument or do something else unique! We are going to have the 2nd Annual St. Anthony’s Talent Show to celebrate Mardi Gras. It will be pre-recorded because of covid concerns, but will be streamed on Shrove Tuesday (February 16) for the enjoyment of all! If you are interested in participating in the talent show, please complete the online form here, or sign up at the table in St. Francis Gathering Place. Contact Sam through the Parish Office with any questions.
You are invited to attend a keynote by Trent Horn, the renowned Catholic apologist, debater, and pro-life advocate. The event will be Wednesday, January 27, at 7:30 PM, here at St. Anthony's. Trent Horn will be refuting the main relativistic arguments of our modern age. Come and join us for this incredible talk, "Refuting Relativism." The event is free and no prior registration is required. Sponsored by St. Paul's Newman Center
Calling the Men of St. Anthony's! Mark your calendars and make plans to attend Catholic Man Night on Thursday, January 21, here at St. Anthony’s. We’ll begin with adoration and confessions from 6:00-7:00 PM, followed by a speaker (Fr. Patrick Parks) and discussion until 8:00 PM. Come and bring a friend!
A Blue Mass was held at St. Anthony's on Wednesday, September 30, with Bishop Folda presiding. It was an opportunity to recognize and offer a special blessing for all those involved in public safety in our community. The St. Michael the Archangel award was presented to retired Fargo Police Chief David Todd. View the Mass here.