St. Anthony's is looking to start up a choir once again. Our first time singing at Mass will be Sunday, October 22 at the 9:00 AM Mass. If you are interested in joining us, or would like more information, please contact Samantha through the Parish office. Let us sing a joyful song to the Lord!
Our St. Anthony’s Fall Bazaar was a great success thanks to all the parishioners who donated their time, talents and treasures. The final numbers are still being tallied, but we will share them once they are in. It is beautiful to see our parish family working together on this big day. Thank you also to our bazaar chairs for their great leadership!
Join us this fall at St. Anthony’s for an educational series where we will explore the beauty of our Catholic faith. Beginning Wednesday, October 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Room, this series will go for 5 weeks. Contact Tom O’Keefe at [email protected] or 701-430-9633 to register. There is a participant study packet to purchase for $20 that we will order ahead of time, so please register in advance. Scholarships available.
There will be Communion Services instead of Daily Mass on the first two Mondays of October: October 2 and 9, at 5:15 PM. All other daily Masses for the week will remain the same. Thank you for your understanding!
There will be a training session for all current Altar Servers, as well as those interested in becoming Altar Servers on Sunday, October 8, at 6:00 PM, in the church. Come hungry, as there will be pizza! We will go over Mass procedures, both current and new.
This year’s Fall Bazaar is coming up quickly on Sunday, September 24, and we need everyone’s help to make it a success! Please stop in St. Francis Gathering Place, or click here to sign up for any number of volunteer opportunities. It’s not just Sunday where help is needed, but also Friday for apple pie baking, and Saturday for setup. You can also bring in donations! DONATION IDEAS: *New items valued at $25 or more for the Silent Auction *Gift cards of $5-10 for Bingo prizes *Handmaid items for the Maker’s Market (craft booth) *Plants, potting soil, pots, garden statues or garden tools for the Plant Booth *Baked goods and fresh garden produce or canned items for the Bake Sale (drop off beginning Sept 22) *2 liter bottles of pop for the Pop Toss game *Family games, small religious items (no Holy Cards please), simple craft kits, new small-medium sized stuffed animals for Games prizes *Cakes for the Cake Walk (drop off beginning Sept 22) *New or used women’s and men’s jewelry for the Jewelry Booth *New or used books, CDs or DVDs for the Book Booth
St. Anthony's Parish is in the beginning stages of planning a mission trip to Chimbote, Peru for the end of June 2024. We will be holding a second come-and-see meeting on Wednesday, September 20, at 7:00 PM, upstairs in the Mother Cabrini Room, for parishioners to learn more and express their interest in participating. If you attended the first meeting, you do not need to attend this second meeting, as the same information will be provided. Vamos a Peru!!
Are you thinking about becoming Catholic, or do you have a family member or close friend who is? We will be starting a new RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) class this fall and would like to include you or someone you know! Contact Deacon Terry for more information at [email protected]