Sign up for an appointment to get your family picture taken for the newest St. Anthony’s church directory! You will receive a free 8x10” photo and copy of the newest directory just for your time. Sign up for a time slot today by following these instructions: *Go to the Universal Church Directories website *Click the box on the right side of the homepage “photography appointment scheduling login” *Enter our church code: nd116 *Enter our church password: photos *Click the Enter button and then choose the desired photography date
This year’s Fall Bazaar is right around the corner on Sunday, September 25, and we need everyone’s help to make it a success! Click here to sign up for many different volunteer opportunities. It’s not just Sunday where help is needed, but also on Wednesday for moving tables, Friday for apple pie baking, and Saturday for setup. You can also bring in donations! Following are some donation ideas: 1. New items valued at $25 or more for the Silent Auction 2. Gift cards of $5-10 for Bingo prizes 3. Handmaid items for the Maker’s Market (craft booth) 4. Plants, potting soil, pots, garden statues or garden tools for the Plant Booth 5. Baked goods and fresh garden produce or canned items for the Bake Sale (drop off beginning Sept 23) 6. 2 liter bottles of pop for the Pop Toss game 7. Family games, small religious items (no Holy Cards please), simple craft kits, new small-medium sized stuffed animals for Games prizes 8. Cakes for the Cake Walk (drop off beginning Sept 23) 9.. Monetary donations for turkey purchases 10. New or used women’s and men’s jewelry for the Jewelry Booth 11. New or used books, CDs or DVDs for the Book Booth