St. Monica is the patroness of: wayward children, abuse victims, those struggling with addiction, widows/widowers, and those in difficult marriages. Join us on Monday, December 19, at 7:00 PM, in the Church, to spend an hour in prayer, asking St. Monica to intercede with Christ for all those under her patronage. Bring a rosary and join our Legion of Mary in this powerful time of prayer!
Join Permanent Deacon candidate Tom O’Keefe as he leads “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass,” by Edward Sri. The study will meet for 6 weeks, each week on Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday, January 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Room. Explore the roots of the words and gestures we use at Mass and better understand their significance, as well as the Mass overall. Each session will consist of a short video and discussion. Make plans to attend!
St. Anthony’s Religious Education will be sponsoring parish bingo on Wednesday, December 21, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Social Hall. All are welcome to come and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship!
An icon of St. Joseph will be the centerpiece of a special prayer service at St. Anthony’s on Sunday, December 18, beginning at 6:00 PM. The prayer service, flowing from the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis in 2021, and inspired by his apostolic letter Patris Corde, is sponsored by our Knights of Columbus Council #7083 to honor St. Joseph and pray for his intercession in preserving, cultivating and passing on the Catholic faith to future generations. All are invited to come and pray!
We are still in need of another adorer to fill the hour of 8:00-9:00 AM on Thursdays. Can you help? Come, spend an hour of quiet prayer and contemplation in the true presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please sign up by contacting Samantha through the Parish Office.
The new church directory will include a full roster of all parishioners, along with their phone numbers and mailing addresses as we have done in the past. Please notify the parish office by Friday, December 30 if you do not wish to have your information listed. Thank you!