There will be just one daily Mass at St. Anthony’s on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 AM. Adoration will be cancelled that Thursday. The Parish Office will also be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.
St. Anthony’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry is coming back! We welcome back those who served as prayer leaders before, and we hope to find even more leaders to offer up prayer for those seeking it after Mass. If you are interested in this meeting, please join us on Wednesday, November 30, at 6:30 PM in the Mother Cabrini Room.
Advent by Candlelight will be a night for women to relax and be reminded of the reason for the season. Let all the noise melt away and be refreshed in the spirit. We will enjoy coffee and dessert while listening to our speaker, Roxanne Salonen, beautiful musicians and Father Braun. Make plans for Tuesday, November 29, at 7:00 PM, in the Social Hall. Whether you'd like to host a table of friends, or attend with a friend or solo, please contact Jacki Brophy at [email protected] or 701-371-0926, to sign up, or for more information. Deadline to register is Friday, November 25.
We are in need of generous hearts to volunteer their time and help prepare or serve (or both!) a Sunday evening meal at Churches United. Check out the dates we are scheduled for by clicking here. Thank you for considering!