Sunday, September 26 Mark your calendars and tell all your friends and family! We’ll be holding our annual Fall Bazaar with our legendary turkey dinner, bake sale, games for the kids, and booths that include crafts, plants, books, jewelry and an apple pie wheel. It will be a wonderful day of fun and fellowship for the whole family!
Are you being called to serve as an usher or greeter? This hospitality ministry is so important in our church. The individuals who serve in these roles greet and welcome parishioners as they enter the church, help with seating anyone who may need assistance and collect the offering. Individuals or families can serve as ushers and greeters. We have a specific need at the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. If you (or your family) are able to help one Sunday/month, please contact Sam.
There will be a beautiful collection of hand carved olivewood religious articles from the Holy Land available for sale in St. Francis Gathering Place this weekend (July 31/August 1) after the Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday morning Masses. Profits from the sale of these items goes to support 27 Catholic families who made these articles in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Thank you for your support!
Registration is open for Religious Education this fall. Please sign your children up today! Also, if you have ever felt the Holy Spirit nudging you toward sharing your faith with our youth, please consider being a teacher for this year’s religious education. We are still in need of a few wonderful people willing to give of themselves. Contact Maria with any questions.