Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 14 at 4:00 PM and Monday, March 15 at 7:00 PM, as we hold our St. Anthony’s Parish Mission. This year be inspired as a local couple, Jason and Lynn Kotrba share their journey of faith, family and farm and how being open to God’s plan for their lives has brought peace and joy to their family. Make plans to join us!
Join us for five Fridays this Lent, beginning February 19 and ending March 19, at 6:00 pm in the Church, as Father Antony Samy discusses major world religions in comparison to Catholicism. Each Friday will have a different focus: an overview and introduction the first week, followed by sessions on prayer, fasting, alms giving and Lenten observances in the different world religions. Plan to broaden your thinking this Lent and walk away with a greater view of how we fit in this world as Catholics.
Mass times are 6:45 am, 12:10 pm (livestreamed), 5:30 pm, and 7:30 pm. Liturgical ministers are asked to volunteer at these Masses by signing up in the Sacristy or online. Also be sure to stop by the table in St. Francis Gathering Place to pick up Lenten resources to aid you in your Lenten journey.