Please help us spread the word that we will be returning to our pre-Covid Mass schedule on Sunday, November 7. This affects 2 Sunday morning Masses. The current 7:00 am Mass will move back to a 7:30 am start, and the 11:00 am Mass will now begin at 10:30 am. All other Mass times will stay the same.
DRESS UP AS SAINTS Children are invited to dress up as their favorite Saint when they come to Mass next weekend(Oct. 30/31). They will be called forward and recognized by Father at each of the Masses. Do you need last minute inspiration? Come to the Holy House on Wednesday, October 27 and get some ideas!
MASS SERVER TRAINING & ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING We will be having a mandatory Mass Server training and organizational meeting, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Church, on Monday, October 25, for all current and those interested in becoming Mass Servers. One parent should plan to attend with their child/children. Pizza will be served! There are new Mass Server duties to discuss, but more importantly, we would like to create a new schedule to make sure every Mass is covered. Please tell your children and make plans to attend!