In conjunction with Bishop Folda’s reinstatement of the Sunday Mass obligation on May 1, 2021, we will be discontinuing the St. Anthony’s livestreamed Mass on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM, with our last livestreamed Mass being this Sunday, May 30. We hope that our parishioners livestreaming has provided a prayerful opportunity for parishioners to continue to celebrate Mass at home and stay connected with their parish family during this pandemic time. However, as we move forward with greater certainty, we are excited to again see most parishioners back in the pews! If you are unable to attend Mass in person, we encourage you to consider one of the following options: ·Diocese of Fargo Sunday Mass at 9:00 AM, available on the Diocesan website at ·Television: Sunday Mass on WDAY TV at 10:30 AM ·Real Presence Radio/AM 1280: Sunday Mass at 7:00 AM and 10:30 AM