God is love, and love is what the Legion of Mary brings to the lonely and forgotten in our community. This ministry is centered around the Blessed Mother and her precious gift of the Holy Rosary. Our Legion is seeking new members – it is a faith-filled, rewarding commitment of only a few hours each week. Please join Legion members this Sunday, February 19, at 2:00 PM, in St. Anthony’s Social Hall to learn more about membership, ask any questions you have and enjoy some refreshments.
Would you like to learn something new while at the same time evangelizing others in the United States and overseas? Parishioner Tonya Anderson will lead a class on rosary making each of the Wednesdays during Lent (March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29) at 6:30 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Room. All materials will be provided. The rosaries will be sent to areas of need to help grow their love and awareness of our Lord. We are also having a challenge with Assumption Catholic Church in Barnesville, MN, to see who can make the most, so we need all hands to learn! We hope you consider this beautiful way of spreading God’s love this Lent!
Join our Knights of Columbus Council #7083 for their delicious fish dinners every Friday during Lent! This Lenten tradition at St. Anthony’s goes from 5:00-6:30 PM. The menu will include baked and deep fried Pollock, baked and scalloped potatoes, french fries, macaroni and cheese (for young and old!), a vegetable and ice cream. Adults $12, youth (grades 1-6) $6 and preschool FREE. We hope you come!
St. Monica is the patroness of: wayward children, abuse victims, those struggling with addiction, widows/widowers, and those in difficult marriages. Join us on Monday, December 19, at 7:00 PM, in the Church, to spend an hour in prayer, asking St. Monica to intercede with Christ for all those under her patronage. Bring a rosary and join our Legion of Mary in this powerful time of prayer!
Join Permanent Deacon candidate Tom O’Keefe as he leads “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass,” by Edward Sri. The study will meet for 6 weeks, each week on Wednesdays, beginning Wednesday, January 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Room. Explore the roots of the words and gestures we use at Mass and better understand their significance, as well as the Mass overall. Each session will consist of a short video and discussion. Make plans to attend!
St. Anthony’s Religious Education will be sponsoring parish bingo on Wednesday, December 21, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Social Hall. All are welcome to come and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship!
An icon of St. Joseph will be the centerpiece of a special prayer service at St. Anthony’s on Sunday, December 18, beginning at 6:00 PM. The prayer service, flowing from the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis in 2021, and inspired by his apostolic letter Patris Corde, is sponsored by our Knights of Columbus Council #7083 to honor St. Joseph and pray for his intercession in preserving, cultivating and passing on the Catholic faith to future generations. All are invited to come and pray!
We are still in need of another adorer to fill the hour of 8:00-9:00 AM on Thursdays. Can you help? Come, spend an hour of quiet prayer and contemplation in the true presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please sign up by contacting Samantha through the Parish Office.
The new church directory will include a full roster of all parishioners, along with their phone numbers and mailing addresses as we have done in the past. Please notify the parish office by Friday, December 30 if you do not wish to have your information listed. Thank you!
There will be just one daily Mass at St. Anthony’s on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 AM. Adoration will be cancelled that Thursday. The Parish Office will also be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.
St. Anthony’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry is coming back! We welcome back those who served as prayer leaders before, and we hope to find even more leaders to offer up prayer for those seeking it after Mass. If you are interested in this meeting, please join us on Wednesday, November 30, at 6:30 PM in the Mother Cabrini Room.
Advent by Candlelight will be a night for women to relax and be reminded of the reason for the season. Let all the noise melt away and be refreshed in the spirit. We will enjoy coffee and dessert while listening to our speaker, Roxanne Salonen, beautiful musicians and Father Braun. Make plans for Tuesday, November 29, at 7:00 PM, in the Social Hall. Whether you'd like to host a table of friends, or attend with a friend or solo, please contact Jacki Brophy at jackibrophy@live.com or 701-371-0926, to sign up, or for more information. Deadline to register is Friday, November 25.
We are in need of generous hearts to volunteer their time and help prepare or serve (or both!) a Sunday evening meal at Churches United. Check out the dates we are scheduled for by clicking here. Thank you for considering!
The St. Anthony’s Youth Group will host their annual Holy House on Wednesday, October 26, at 6:30 PM. All are invited to come and learn about some amazing saints (and get some Halloween candy too)! Children are encouraged to dress up in their non-scary Halloween costumes or as saints. Refreshments and treats will be provided.
There will be a bake sale sponsored by our St. John Paul II Catholic Schools after the Saturday evening and all Sunday morning Masses this weekend. Stop by the tables in St. Francis Gathering Place to purchase some delicious fall baking! All proceeds go to support our Catholic Schools Appreciation Breakfast and Catholic Schools.
As part of our Fargo Diocesan Synod we are doing a parish self-reflection survey. Click here to complete this 3-5 minute survey. Paper forms of the questionnaire are also available in St. Francis Gathering Place and can be turned in to the Parish Office. Please complete before November 27, 2022. Thank you for your input to make our church a more robust example of God's love!
Young adults from all area parishes are invited to gather at St. Anthony's on Thursday, October 20. The evening will begin with Mass at 5:15 PM. Following mass, there will be a light supper provided. Join us to meet other young adults and share in community. Friends, families, and little ones are welcome! Email emily.kaiser627@gmail.com for more information.
Children in elementary grades 2-6 are invited to join the Children's Choir. We will sing for the 9:00 AM Mass on November 20 and start practicing on Sundays beginning October 9. Practices will be from 10:00-10:45 AM, upstairs in Room 206. Mr. Max and Mrs. D (Devick) are back to help you learn the songs, learn about the liturgy and saints, and have fun making a joyful noise unto the Lord! No experience necessary - just an interest in music and singing!
Sign up for an appointment to get your family picture taken for the newest St. Anthony’s church directory! You will receive a free 8x10” photo and copy of the newest directory just for your time. Sign up for a time slot today by following these instructions: *Go to the Universal Church Directories website www.ucdir.com *Click the box on the right side of the homepage “photography appointment scheduling login” *Enter our church code: nd116 *Enter our church password: photos *Click the Enter button and then choose the desired photography date
This year’s Fall Bazaar is right around the corner on Sunday, September 25, and we need everyone’s help to make it a success! Click here to sign up for many different volunteer opportunities. It’s not just Sunday where help is needed, but also on Wednesday for moving tables, Friday for apple pie baking, and Saturday for setup. You can also bring in donations! Following are some donation ideas: 1. New items valued at $25 or more for the Silent Auction 2. Gift cards of $5-10 for Bingo prizes 3. Handmaid items for the Maker’s Market (craft booth) 4. Plants, potting soil, pots, garden statues or garden tools for the Plant Booth 5. Baked goods and fresh garden produce or canned items for the Bake Sale (drop off beginning Sept 23) 6. 2 liter bottles of pop for the Pop Toss game 7. Family games, small religious items (no Holy Cards please), simple craft kits, new small-medium sized stuffed animals for Games prizes 8. Cakes for the Cake Walk (drop off beginning Sept 23) 9.. Monetary donations for turkey purchases 10. New or used women’s and men’s jewelry for the Jewelry Booth 11. New or used books, CDs or DVDs for the Book Booth